-Are you often tired?
-Does pain, fatigue, rashes, or IBS symptoms prevent you from enjoying activities?
-Do you suffer from pain weekly or daily?
-Even when you try to eat right, do you find it difficult to lose weight?
-These, and many more, are often autoimmune disorders: fatigue, pain, hair thinning, weird rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, asthma, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism (under active thyroid), IBS, colitis, chron's, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and MS.
Are you suffering from any autoimmune disorders?
-Do you have a family history of medical problems like autoimmune disorders, heart disease, or cancer, and you'd like to better your odds of staying healthy longer?
I HAD suffered from many of those problems yet healed myself holistically, and now my doctors are MY clients!I felt like the doctors just treated me like a number, said, try this and try that, like I was a guinea pig experiment, and kept giving me prescription pills and more drugs for the side effects of the other medicines. The medications didn't stop the progression nor alleviate my symptoms.
Since they didn't get to the cause, they couldn't stop my signs from getting worsen, and they did get worse. That's when I had my ah-ha moment and thought, 'My healthcare providers are not getting me healthy, and I'm still getting worse. If I listen to them, I will continue to get even worse! There must be a better way!'
So, I took back the power, did years of research worldwide, and developed a proven plan and a simple system. Now, I no longer suffer from any symptoms, no pain, no rashes, my hair is much thicker, I have great energy, I'm back to my ideal body weight, my heart function is normal, I don't take any medications, and I am genuinely HAPPY! Now, my doctors are my clients! I want to save you YEARS of suffering and expedite your journey from hell… to feeling better to be HAPPY!
Tracking will help you document your baseline, assess weak areas that will need the most attention, and facilitate monitoring your progress. Since our needs change, periodically "retesting" will help evaluate if what you're doing is improving your weaknesses.
If not, there will need to be a change in the plan of action so that you may get a better outcome and rescore higher next time. It will provide insight for you to choose which areas need the most attention, what's not working to stop, and what's working to do more often. This Self Assessment Tool will also allow me to better assist you.